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行走教育 來點故事

Finding Inspiration in Every Story

我們是專為「全齡」設計 「美學與科技教育」 的「國際師資」團隊

Our Purpose

"Be Inspired. Be Fulfilled. Be Trustworthy."


TThe aim of MOOVINS is to inspire and cultivate children's powers of observation, creativity, imagination, and expression. Through professionally curated courses led by international masters, this education not only imparts technical skills but also provides a rich environment for innovative aesthetic technology education, allowing children to explore and discover their talents and interests. In this process, they learn how to utilize various technological tools and techniques for creation, fostering teamwork and language communication skills through integration with technology. Additionally, MOOVINS emphasizes the importance of content quality and value, helping children understand the narrative and emotional expression, and promoting the concept and significance of sustainable development goals (SDGs) through the fusion of science, technology, and art. This aims to shape them into thoughtful and creative future creators.

 MOOVINS 美學科技教育的宗旨在於啟發和培養孩子們的觀察力、創造力、想像力和表達能力。透過國際動畫大師專業的課程規劃引導每一位大朋友小朋友進入美學科技世界,這種教育不僅僅是傳授技術,更是提供一個豐富的創新學習思維,讓孩子們能夠探索和發現自己的天賦和興趣。在這個過程中,他們學習如何使用不同的科技工具和技巧來創作,並且通過與技術整合,培養團隊合作和語言溝通能力。同時, MOOVINS美學科技教育也強調對於內容的品質和價值的重視,幫助孩子們理解故事性和情感表達,從科技藝術推展人類永續發展目標SDGs的理念與重要性,從而塑造他們成為有思想、有創意的未來創造者。


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Michal Makarewicz

Michal於2003年初加入皮克斯動畫,曾參與過「巴斯光年」(Lightyear)、「靈魂急轉彎」(Soul)、「超人特攻隊2」(Incredibles 2)、「超人特攻隊」(Incredibles)、「汽車總動員」(Cars)、「料理鼠王」(Ratatouille)、「瓦力」(Wall-E)、「玩具總動員四」(Toy Story 4)、「玩具總動員三」(Toy Story 3)、「勇敢傳說」(Brave)、「腦筋急轉彎」(Inside Out)之動畫製作。Michal同時也是「汽車總動員2」(Cars 2)動畫導演、「海底總動員2」(Finding Dory)動畫導演、「小逗的特殊任務」(Dug’s Special Mission)短片以及「玩具總動員之驚魂夜」(Toy Story of Terror)動畫總監。並且獲頒動畫領域之最高榮譽安妮獎 ( Annie Awards for “Outstanding CharacterAnimation in a Feature Production” )。

Michal joined Pixar Animation Studios in early 2003. He has been an animator on The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up (Supervising Animator on the Up DVD short: Dug's Special Mission), Toy Story 3, Cars 2 (Directing Animator), and most recently Brave. Michal was awarded an Annie for "Outstanding Character Animation in a Feature Production" by the International Animated Film Society in 2008, for his work in Ratatouille. In addition to his work at Pixar, Mike has been teaching animation since 2005. He has contributed lectures and taught classes at Animation Mentor, California College of the Arts, and the Academy of Art University. Michal is the co-founder of The Animation Collaborative in Emeryville CA, where he currently teaches animation lecture & demo workshops.


Sir Wade Neistadt 

美國知名Youtuber! 以最具有趣味性教學手法贏得各個年齡層的觀眾喜愛!
教授過上百場的關於3D影像動畫, 渲染, 特效等等地數位美學藝術!

A famous American YouTuber, Known for using highly engaging teaching methods that have captured the hearts of audiences of all ages!
A former technical education trainer at DreamWorks!
Has conducted over a hundred workshops on digital aesthetics, covering 3D animation, rendering, visual effects, and more!
Perfectly embodies joyful learning through the integration of technology and art!


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